Canon to Release the World’s First SLR-Cameraphone Ever Imagined.

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Giving EOS™ a brand new meaning, the new Canon™ Eye-On System SLR-cameraphone now brings to the most wanting professionnal photographers the best multimedia communication device they ever fancied about.

Cameraphones set a revolution in modern photography. Be exactly on the moment. Spread it the next second to the world for everyone to know. With the lowest quality you could imagine. Hence you had to decide whether sending it quick or sending it good.

But today, skip that choice with the World’s leader in professional photography. With the new Canon EOSphone™, the first-ever SRL-cameraphone, get it right there right good: to the latest cellphone technology, PDA ability, bluetooth, wireless, IR and tri-band GSM connectivity, the Canon EOSphone™ adds a full-featured EOS 5D camera, equipped with a EX580 flash1 and the brand new, latest state-of-the-art hybrid canon lense: the wide-angle-to-telephoto Canon EF 20-200 2.8 mm IS. The camera’s ready to go, wherever you want it to: magnesium body, one-second reactivity, low-light sensivity thanks to its wide aperture, Image Stabilizer and ISO 3,200, unic phone-to-text® system that sends the picture by multimedia message the right second it was shot, full-framed sensor, freaking better than anything those Nikon bloody jerks could ever dream about, convenient size, directly from your pocket to your ear or your eye, to your eye to the world’s sight, it is you to decide how and when it has to happen.

Photography just entered a new era where the picture won’t ever be missed again. More than EOS, more than a phone. This is EOSphone™.

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