DPC Crisis update #2.

Dear valuable reader,

First of all, we would like to thank you for all the nice comments that you left after our last release. They will be all answered as soon as possible.

We have the pleasure to announce you that an arrangement with a famous ISP was signed earlier today by DPC, after a long period of negotiations with tons of hotline salesmen from different companies. This quest for the perfect ISP was required by the great attention that the DPC team pays to the quality of the service of its Belögue™. A reliable ISP, involved in our quality policy, will help us to bring you all the outstanding pictures, amazing humor and astonishing rock music that you deserve.

Following the connection planning, we can already confirm you the return of the DPC Belögue™ on October 17th, 2005.

Until then, our shutter will keep working to offer you an enhanced, quality-improved version of your favorite Belögue™ as soon as our Internet connection is up and running.

Stay tuned for more updates. We look forward to see you again.

The DPC Head Office

[Si vous trouvez que j’en fais trop, n’hésitez pas à le dire]